Did you feel like this earlier today?
Take comfort in knowing you are not alone.
New Business
Do you know what else you can take comfort in?
Knowing your Co-op Vendor Directory is growing again!
We have two new, resident-recommended businesse
Ease At Home, LLC.
Category: Nursing
ABC Glass and Mirror, Inc.
Categories: Windows/Doors and
If you’ve had a positive experience with a business and want to share it with your Co-op neighbors, fill out this short form. We’ll do the rest.
Board Seats
We have two open Board seats to fill.
Would you like to be part of this motley great crew?
If you want to join our fun and fantastic Regency Co-op Board of Directors, now’s your chance.
We have big plans for the Co-op and are looking for two Regency Co-op residents to join our ranks.
If you have web design or finance experience, that’s a HUGE plus.
No experience with being on a Board or web design/finance? No problem. We’ll train/teach you.
If you want to throw your name in the Board ring, email info@regenecycoop.org
P.S. We occasionally have muffins at our meetings.
Annual Meeting
Over the last couple of years, we’ve had our annual meeting via email. This format will continue for 2025.
Keep an eye out for more information.
Stay Frosty,
Debra Mastaler, President
Charles Tucker, Vice President
Linda Kuchnicki, Treasurer
Deborah Gentry, Secretary
Bruce Gerdin, Director
Bill Pedersen, Director
Julie Gerkens, Director
Regency Cooperative Board of Directors