The new year started strong for the Regency Co-op. We have new plans and programs we’re working on that will continue to grow and add value to the Co-op.
New Membership Rate
Starting February 1, our lifetime membership fee will go to $45.
If you’re reading this newsletter, you are already a member and our fee increase doesn’t affect you.
But if you know someone on the fence about joining the Co-op, now’s the time to gently nudge them.
Envelopes must be postmarked before February 1 to avoid paying the higher rate.
The application to join the Co-op can be found here:
Board Seats
We will have two open Board seats to fill in May.
If you want to join our wonderful, fabulous Regency Co-op Board, now’s the time to think about it.
A detailed email with voting instructions will be sent in the next week or two.
New Businesses and Local Discounts
Here’s what we added over the holidays:
November – Don Cook Plumbing
December – Davey Tree Service
December – Stonewall Veterinary Clinic (Discount)
December – Silverbrook Nursery (Discount)
January – AllStar Home Improvement
January – Foster’s Grille updated the discount they offer Regency residents.
Recommend a Business
If you’ve had a good experience with a business and want to share it with your Co-op neighbors, send it to us!
Our short and simple “Recommend a Vendor” form makes it quick and easy to share contact details.
Recommend away!
Annual Meeting
Over the last couple of years, we’ve held our annual meeting virtually and will continue with this format. Keep an eye out for more information.
And that’s a wrap. See you around Regency!
Regency Co-op Board of Directors
Debra Mastaler, President
Charles Tucker,Vice President
Linda Kuchnicki, Treasurer
Deborah Gentry, Secretary
Bruce Gerdin, Director
Bill Pedersen, Director
Julie Gerkens, Director